?: The End of Burnout ,The Beginning of Healing

interaction installation , booklet design
( 2023, Pollak Building, Richmond, VA )

booklet design (multi-size)

interaction method : press the switch -> screen flashes

"The gods are tired, the eagle is tired, the wound is healed in weariness."
- Franz Kafka

The myth of Prometheus can be read as a metaphor for the psychological mechanism of the modern meritocratic subject (Leistungssubjekt), that is, to inflict violence on itself and wage war against itself.

A eagle pecks his liver daily, which keeps growing again, and this vicious eagle is his alter ego, constantly fighting against himself.

Prometheus as a self-exploitative subject is seized by a never-ending sense of weariness. He is the original metaphor of the Müdigkeitsgesellschaft.
(The burnout society)

email: mikahum08@gmail.comIns: @meihan_hum
Multimedia Graphic Designer 2024